100 of the World's Best Houses features exciting contemporary houses from some of the greatest architects, including Hugh Newell Jacobsen (Buckwalter House), Daryl Jackson Architects (Jackson House), Glenn Murcutt (Southern Highlights House), Kisho Kurokawa (Residence), Eric Owen Moss (Lawson-Western House), Ray Kappe (Shapiro Residence), Harry Seidler Hamilton House), Steven Ehrlich (Canyon Residence), Sean Godsell Architects (Carter/Tucker House), Rick Joy (Tyler Residence), and Alberto Campo Baeza (De Blas House). Many of this these inspirational structures are accompanied by detailed plans. The book is inspirational in its many varied designs. Richly illustrated with photographs and drawings, the book has wide appeal to both the layperson and those interested in the finer aspects of design. UK Architects featured Ken Shuttleworth, Architect, Harper Mackay Architects, Marsh &Grochowski, Jestico + Whiles, Foster and Partners, Brookes Stacey Randall, Graham Phillips, Architect, John Wint(goodreads)

نوع صحافی Perfect Binding صحافی چسب گرم- شومیز
نوع چاپ متنجوهرافشان رنگی
سال چاپ2011
تعداد صفحه346
قطعخشتي بزرگ
نوع کاغذتحریر 80 گرم
نوع جلدگلاسه مقوا 250 گرم

امتیاز، نظرات و نقدها

3.67 out of 5 stars

(3.67)براساس 18 امتیاز، نظر و نقد

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100 of the World's Best Houses-2011
وضعیت: قابل خرید
آماده‌سازی 3 روزکاری


800,000 تومان

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