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راهنمای کامل تربیت کودک
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راهنمای کامل تربیت کودک

راهنمای کامل تربیت کودک|تحریر 70|دیجیتال تک رنگ|شومیز
قابل خرید
365,000 تومان
آماده‌سازی و تحویل به پست: 3 روزکاری
معرفی کتاب

Your go-to guide for your parenting questions, from the author of the breakthrough No-Cry series

"Perfect Parenting will give you the tools you need to feel confident as you raise your children. This handy reference book may become an indispensable part of your family's life."
-- from the foreword by William Sears, M.D.

Perfect Parenting is parenting with a plan. It is based on:

action, not reaction thoughtfulness, not anger knowledge, not chance common sense, not nonsense This A-Z guide of practical ideas will inspire you to find the right answers for the many discipline and behavior issues you face every day. Inside you will find many options and methods that can help you be thoughtful in your approach to raising your children.

You'll learn what to do about back talk, dawdling, interrupting, stubbornness, whining. You'll find ways to get your kids to do the chores, stop ignoring you, and clean up their own messes. You'll even learn what to do about other people's children! Elizabeth Pantley designed a questionnaire addressing discipline problems and sent it to hundreds of parents. Their answers shaped this book to make it the most useful, practical book on discipline available today.

مشخصات کتاب
شماره ویرایش1
شماره چاپ17
نوع صحافیشومیز (مقوایی) با چسب گرم
نوع چاپ متندیجیتال تک رنگ
تعداد صفحه432
نوع کاغذتحریر (سفید)
نوع جلدگلاسه مقوا 250 گرم

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