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هنر گمشده گوش دادن
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هنر گمشده گوش دادن

برند: صابرین
هنر گمشده گوش دادن:چگونه فراگیری مهارت گوش‌دادن به بهبود روابط کمک می‌کند|تحریر 70|دیجیتال تک رنگ|شومیز
قابل خرید
360,000 تومان
آماده‌سازی و تحویل به پست: 3 روزکاری
معرفی کتاب
"That isn't what I meant!" Truly listening and being heard is far from simple, even between people who care about each other. This perennial bestseller--now revised and updated for the digital age--analyzes how any conversation can go off the rails and provides essential skills for building mutual understanding. Thoughtful, witty, and empathic, the book is filled with vivid stories of couples, coworkers, friends, and family working through tough emotions and navigating differences of all kinds.

Learn ways you can:
*Hear what people mean, not just what they say.
*Share a difference of opinion without sounding dismissive.
*Encourage uncommunicative people to open up.
*Make sure both sides get heard in heated discussions.
*Get through to someone who never seems to listen.
*Ask for support without getting unwanted advice.
*Reduce miscommunication in texts and online.

From renowned therapist Michael P. Nichols and new coauthor Martha B. Straus, the third edition reflects the huge impact of technology and social media on relationships, and gives advice for talking to loved ones across social and political divides(goodreads)
مشخصات کتاب
شماره ویرایش1
شماره چاپ1
نوع صحافیشومیز (مقوایی) با چسب گرم
نوع چاپ متندیجیتال تک رنگ
تعداد صفحه328
زیرعنوانچگونه فراگیری مهارت گوش‌دادن به بهبود روابط کمک می‌کند
قطعرقعي(L:210mm x W:140mm)
نوع کاغذتحریر (سفید)
نوع جلدگلاسه مقوا 250 گرم

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